Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I just finished putting together a page of pictures from yesterday and today in my (actually my husband's) .mac account. So,
here's the link.

The talk on education was very interesting because Japan is facing the same problems the U.S. is right now. Violence against parents and teachers is increasing, students are skipping school, and there is a break down of the family unit. Many parents have just "given up" on their kids. It's not to the degree that it is in the States, but it is a significant problem.

They are also trying to reform the educational system so a stress is placed on independent thinkers, instead of students who "parrot" back answers.

Finally, the theatre performances were very interesting. One thing I did not know is that I now know more than a typical Japanese person does about traditional Japanese theatre. It may be traditional, but it is not studied in school at all! In fact, most Japanese do not go to theatre for traditional Japanese performances.


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