Monday, June 19, 2006

Tokyo was heavily fire bombed during World War II. One half to two thirds of the city was destroyed and approximately 100,000 people died. There are areas that survived, including parts of the Asakusa District and all of the Yanaka area of Tokyo. Here is a picture of the damage done by B-29 bombers in Spring and Summer 1945.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lis,
Sounds like you have been very busy. I'm sure your future lessons will include lots of the information that you have received in Japan.
On a personal note, it's mom and dad's anniversary. Allie is all set on birthday clothes (Kate gets some gifts too). I took them to the playground, to Burger King and to see Nathaniel's Puppy (Kate was very scared). Miss & Love you, Your sis

10:16 PM  

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